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Social mobilization

APHCO while implementing its programme/projects as a first step undertakes community mobilization so that to raise awareness in community on health and hygiene, importance of education in modern day affairs, gender related issues, socio-economic development and environmental protection. For this purpose, APHCO management holds meetings with the community members, conducts training/capacity building sessions and also launched campaigns.

APHCO advocacy is achieving better results in the field of social/rural/community development, APHCO
also believe in advocacy and therefore, the management has always strongly advocated for the issues related
to APHCO. For achieving this objective, APHCO through its strong advocacy as approached the line
departments of Government, NGOs, CBOs, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), members of the community,
notables and APHCO has always promoted the right based approach and supported the dialogue as an
important tool for achieving the above-mentioned objectives.

APHCO is staunch believer in a very strong and efficient service delivery in the fields of health, education
and environment. For this purpose, APHCO management has always delivered services in the communities
in a transparent manner taking care of quantity and quality. It is only because of this very reason that the
APHCO interventions have always helped in meeting the community needs and achieving the desired

APHCO has always promoted the networking with other Donor’s NGOs, CBOs, CSOs, media groups and
concerned stakeholders for achieving the goal of sustainable development. Networking with other
organizations has always proved very productive by playing as medium between the service providers and
those at the receiving end. Networking basically provides opportunity for looking at the issues from different
angles i.e. from local, national and finally at regional level. At every level the perspective of issue changes,
which then helps in comprehending the issue.

APHCO basically works mainly for the poorest of the poor in the rural areas of the Country. Its target groups
include the men, women and children in the rural communities of the province who are still living in
miserable conditions and deprived of very basic necessities of life. Besides, APHCO also focuses upon the
urban populace living in slums and other such area. For achieving its goal and objective, APHCO target
groups also include health workers, paramedics and other staff related to health issues, teachers, students,
environmentalists and stakeholders in the field of health, education and environment.

  1. This thematic area entails following important features for development:
  2.  Establishment of community health centres at remote areas where people don’t have access to the
    health facilities.
  3. Develop awareness campaigns for HIV prevention, reproductive health; life skills-based education
    and sexual rights.
  4. Develop immunization programs for venereal diseases and epidemics.
  5. Organizing events for public health along with MoPH
  1. Under this theme APHCO focuses on holistic development of children its protection and rights,
    following interventions are planned over the time:
  2. Child rights education and protection awareness at different levels and different stakeholders.
  3. Development of safe learning places for children at schools, hospitals, and community centres.
  4. Children confidence building programs, walks, sessions, campaigns, and trainings.
  5. Development of children groups and developing leadership skills in them.

Women Empowerment aims at promotion women to take lead role in democratic norms and culture in the
operational area. Two types of activities are undertaken in this theme: one aim at building capacities of
women and communities and their groups to engage effectively with government and other stakeholders for
getting their constitutional and legal social, economic and political rights, the other aims at working directly
with state institutions for creating an environment that can guarantee the rights of women citizens. It also
focuses on enhancing women income generation skills through capacity building and micro credit. Under
this program following sub activities are also conducted:
 Formation of local women groups and their capacity building.

Under Community Based Infrastructure development, a wide variety of construction and rehabilitation of
rural infrastructure schemes through community participation. Some examples are underground village
drainage schemes, community latrines, water course lining, tube wells, and brick pavement in villages