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Afghan Protection Health and Charity Organization

In 2019 a group of educated, dynamic and like-minded youth working in the development sector, got together to establish an organization, for addressing the most urgent and pressing needs of the people of Afghanistan. True to this spirit the organization was named Afghan Protection Health and Charity Organization. (APHCO). Considering their association with the Protection, Health and development sector the group was cognizant of the plethora of problems plaguing the Country. Consequently, the organization’s focus was not kept limited either in in terms of geography or sector. Whilst APHCO has been carrying a range of interventions in the areas of education, health & hygiene, youth & women empowerment, emergency response & preparedness, governance, free legal aid, human rights, etc.

The type of activities undertaken by the organization range from capacity building to service delivery,
with focus remaining on the deprived and marginalized segments of the society. Whereas in terms of operations what characterizes APHCO’s functioning are its efforts to (a) enlist involvement of the locals when initiating activities at the grass root level; and (b) mobilize women for bringing peace, tolerance, and development in society. Although a somewhat new entry in the development arena, APHCO – owing to the linkages of its members
with national & international funding agencies – enjoys a diverse portfolio, characterized by partnership with organizations like USAID, UN-FAO, UN-Habitat, UN-WOMEN, Ministry of Public Health, WHO, UNICEF,
UNHCR, Ministry of Human Rights & Rural Development Department, Government of Afghanistan, OSED.

The mission of APHCO is to contribute to the health, protection and education of Afghans, through a value system based, to help build a better world where Afghanistan People are self-fulfilled as individuals and play a constructive role in society.
“An enabling environment for the realization, respect, and protection of fundamental human rights among Afghans and develop their leadership qualities to make them active contributor within the society”
The goal of APHCO is to contribute in improving the living standard of the vulnerable communities of Afghanistan through community mobilization, capacity building, advocacy & strengthening of institutions at the grass root level.
A sustainable strategy is devised to achieve the maximum, a need based and right based approach initiated ascertains the problem with fully community involvement and mobilizing all indigenous and local resources. The program goal is materialized with a helping hand from members donor agencies, Philanthropists.

The overall development objective of (APHCO) is enhanced ability in the target communities to tackle their own economic, social and environmental problems for sustainable community development.
1. To educate the deprived and under privilege common folk about the basic human rights and find
basis to incorporate their efforts and mobilization to achieve maximum output
2. To enable the community in development of local level institutions and assist them in undertaking
community-based welfare and development interventions.
3. To Provide quality legal assistance to juvenile victims of sexual abuse, exploitation and trafficking,
especially street children in conflict with law and children in detention, vulnerable to sexual abuse
4. To provide a place for students to relax and enjoy an inexpensive, healthy meal in a fun atmosphere.
APHCO Afghanistan also makes itself available to student groups for meetings and special events
5. Promote Gender equality.
6. To devise and organize for women and children particularly to their rights to acquire educations and
improve their health and earnings.
7. To ensure full participation of local level grassroots organizations in decision making process
including problem identification, planning, management, implementation, monitoring, and
evaluation aimed at sustainability.
8. To facilitate easy access to credit and motivate communities for group saving leading towards small
enterprise development and income generating activities aimed at economic empowerment.

9. To work for environmental protection, pollution abatement, water supply and hygienic sanitation.
10. To fight against drug abuse and launching programmes aimed at rehabilitation of drug addicts
11. To establish a resource centre aimed at facilitating target communities and local level institutions
through information, education and communication.
12. Assisting communities in disaster prediction and mitigation through various relief and rehabilitation
13. To develop effective linkages with government line agencies, nongovernment organizations, and
donor agencies working for community development.
14. Human resource development and training aimed at skill enhancement and knowledge up gradation
in order to ensure better implementation of participatory rural development programmes by
community partners.
15. Conservation of natural resources, bio-diversity and environmental protection.
16. Implementation of programmes aimed at basic health care services (preventive and curative)
including maternal health, child health, safe drinking water, hygienic sanitation, management of
waste disposal, population welfare, immunization, etc. leading towards reduced mortality.
17. To establish new community schools and upgrade the existing ones in order to provide education
facilities to those most in need with special focus on female child.
18. Implementation of women welfare and development programmes aimed at socio-economic
empowerment of women through their participation in all developmental programmes.
19. Raising awareness of environmental issues through advocacy, networking, public interest litigation
and education.
20. Organizing issue-specific and objective-oriented campaigns building social pressure to influence
decision-making at national and international levels in favour of deprived, marginalized and
vulnerable segments of the community.


During the process of social mobilization, APHCO adopted a participatory, self-help, self-sustainable
approach through community involvement and formation of volunteer groups in remote rural areas of

Sustainable rural development is a dynamic process posing various needs at different phases of time. These
can be dealt with continuous interventions based on designed frameworks that incorporate the requirements projected by the communities and with the help of the communities by strategizing for public-private partnership.

APHCO has strong linkages with major NGOs and funding agencies working in Afghanistan. It has undertaken initiatives in Afghanistan with special reference to Kabul, Ghazni, Helmand, Logar, Wardak, Kandahar, Takhar, Badakhshan, Nangarhar and Herat, through collaboration with local activists. APHCO enjoys a rich experience of working in the diverse socio-cultural environment of Afghanistan and an extensive networking with the District & Provincial Communities, civil society institutions, media and Government. 

1. To Provide quality legal assistance to juvenile victims of sexual abuse.
2. Increased household income and economic activities.
3. Establish youth Group different area in Afghanistan.
4. To Provide Education Service.
5. To educate the deprived and under privilege common folk about the basic human rights and find
basis to incorporate their efforts and mobilization to achieve maximum output.
6. Promote Gender equality.
7. Humanitarian assistance in natural and manmade disaster.
8. To devise and organize for women, youth and children particularly to their rights to acquire
educations and improve their health and earnings.
9. To increase the education of the target community for the betterment of their own subsistence.
10. To establish working relations amongst government, Donor’s and like-minded non-government
11. Improve health conditions by providing basic health and hygiene education and services to the
communities residing in neglected areas.

Organizational Values